Kuřecí řízky na kari a kokosovém mléce od alimraj
4 stehenní nebo prsní kuřecí řízky
konzervované kokosové mléko nebo krém
Kuřecí řízky naložíme přes noc do kari a oleje. Druhý den je zprudka opečeme na pánvi, osolíme, přidáme trochu kokosu a necháme ještě chvíli péct.
Poté zalijeme kokosovým mlékem a necháme ještě chvíli dusit. Nakonec maso vyjmeme a šťávu zahustíme trochou Solamylu.
Příloha: těstoviny, rýže, hranolky
Tento recept mi zaslala alimraj!
Máte i vy nějaký chutný a vyzkoušený recept, o kterém si myslíte, že by na těchto stránkách neměl chybět? Pak ho pošlete na můj e-mail raduzyrecepty@seznam.cz
Přehled komentářů
I go by the Name Latifah Cole from Paris, currently residing here in CA Los Angeles, it's been 9 years since i have been working here in the United State as a Nurse, I always like using Instagram to while away time for myself and I came in contact with a guy called jiang on Instagram he's Asian american, the guy was really awesome and he told me he was into broker trading that I could invest little with $5,000 and within a year i will have enough to buy myself a home and a hospital, so i decided to invest but after 8 months I tried to withdraw and i was asked for more and all this while he encouraged me to keep investing and i had already invested 183k USD with him on his broker platform and we started dating so that really makes me confident in him but it was too late to know I have been scammed after he successfully reap me and put me in a debt of $459k. The night I was to take poison and kill myself I came across an article online about jamesmckaywizard on how him and his team have been helping people like myself who have been a victim of scam or online blackmail, i didn't hesitate but took my time to ask about him from those people testifying about him. After which I contacted them firstly, they talked to me and i was calm and he asked me about all the transaction details which i gave them' in less than 48hrs my hope to life was fully restored back i got all the money and interest which i invested and also Mr. Jiang was traced and arrested. I strongly recommend them to anyone in need, this is the right platform for you, you can reach out to them on //jamesmckaywizard@gmail.com or what'sapp +91 98632 93475
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(Credit MEYER, 25. 5. 2022 3:46)
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Půjčíme vám na cokoli až 5 500 000 Kč.
Výši a datum splátky si nastavíte sami.
Půjčku můžete kdykoli předčasně splatit, a to zdarma.
Kontaktujte nás:
Methods for Bank Instrument Providers (BG/SBLC)
(Miles Montego, 7. 2. 2022 13:17)
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Miles Montego
Mandate Officer
Global Investments Financial Ltd.
credits, Bg's, Sblc's, LCs, and bank drafts
(Barrie Edward, 4. 2. 2022 18:20)
Global Investments Financial Limited right now offers credits, Bg's, Sblc's, LCs, and bank drafts to people and enterprises (s). Under this framework, both got and unstable assets are presently openly available; the drive is expected at supporting private and public area firms in getting financing to assist them with developing. We work with dependable financing foundations and are totally devoted to assisting our customers with accomplishing their targets. Kindly contact me directly via email if interested.
Barrie Edward
Mandate Officer
Global Investments Financial Ltd.
credits, Bg's, Sblc's, LCs, and bank drafts
(Barrie Edward, 4. 2. 2022 17:49)
Global Investments Financial Limited right now offers credits, Bg's, Sblc's, LCs, and bank drafts to people and enterprises (s). Under this framework, both got and unstable assets are presently openly available; the drive is expected at supporting private and public area firms in getting financing to assist them with developing. We work with dependable financing foundations and are totally devoted to assisting our customers with accomplishing their targets. Kindly contact me directly via email if interested.
Barrie Edward
Mandate Officer
Global Investments Financial Ltd.
credits, Bg's, Sblc's, LCs, and bank drafts
(Barrie Edward, 4. 2. 2022 17:41)
Global Investments Financial Limited right now offers credits, Bg's, Sblc's, LCs, and bank drafts to people and enterprises (s). Under this framework, both got and unstable assets are presently openly available; the drive is expected at supporting private and public area firms in getting financing to assist them with developing. We work with dependable financing foundations and are totally devoted to assisting our customers with accomplishing their targets. Kindly contact me directly via email if interested.
Barrie Edward
Mandate Officer
Global Investments Financial Ltd.
(Alfred M Lampe, 10. 8. 2021 16:31)
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Rychlá pujcka ze soukromých zdroju - 35,000, -Kc to 2,500,000, -Kc.
(ALES EVZEN, 26. 4. 2021 1:52)
Rychlá pujcka ze soukromých zdroju - 35,000, -Kc to 2,500,000, -Kc. Dostali jste se do situace, kdy si potrebujete nutne pujcit? Neuspeli jste v bance ani u nebankovních spolecností. Soukromý investor nabízí ješte dnes okamžité rešení, vyrízení - Online. Za pár minut máte poproblemému - finance na vašem úctu. Pomužeme vám s címkoli at rešíte pujcku, smenku, konsolidaci, exekuci, podnikání, bydlení nebo jste jen nevyšli s penezi. Z pohodlí vašeho domova nás kontaktujte na.
Rychlá pujcka ze soukromých zdroju - 35,000, -Kc to 2,500,000, -Kc.
(ALES EVZEN, 26. 4. 2021 1:50)
Rychlá pujcka ze soukromých zdroju - 35,000, -Kc to 2,500,000, -Kc. Dostali jste se do situace, kdy si potrebujete nutne pujcit? Neuspeli jste v bance ani u nebankovních spolecností. Soukromý investor nabízí ješte dnes okamžité rešení, vyrízení - Online. Za pár minut máte poproblemému - finance na vašem úctu. Pomužeme vám s címkoli at rešíte pujcku, smenku, konsolidaci, exekuci, podnikání, bydlení nebo jste jen nevyšli s penezi. Z pohodlí vašeho domova nás kontaktujte na.
(vioreliorgacreditservicii@gmail.com, 22. 3. 2021 18:09)
Mám kapitál, který bude použit k poskytnutí konkrétních krátkodobých a dlouhodobých půjček od 5 000 EUR do 8 000 000 EUR jakékoli vážné osobě, která chce tuto půjčku. 2% úrok ročně v závislosti na zapůjčené částce.
Moje e-mailová adresa: vioreliorgacreditservicii@gmail.com
Moje telefonní číslo Whatsapp: +33751839705
Rychlá nabídka půjčky spolehlivá do 24 hodin
(angelika, 11. 1. 2021 11:52)
Jsem vývojový konzultant a soukromý investor, který chce investovat po celém světě v různých oblastech. Podporované projekty musí být především ziskové a ziskové. Nabízím také soukromé půjčky jakékoli osobě nebo společnosti, které si přejí a jsou schopny splácet s úrokovou sazbou 3% z takto požadované částky a na požadované období.
Chceme také seriózní, čestné, respektované a důvěryhodné lidi, kteří vám vrátí peníze ve správný čas. Pro vaše pohodlí jsme kontaktovali vaši e-mailovou adresu.
E-mail: angelikamiguet@gmail.com
Děkujeme za pochopení
(Lucrecia, 1. 11. 2007 16:50)Jeste bych na to mozna pridala broskev...hm,to zkusim :o)
(Latifah Cole, 27. 3. 2023 18:08)